Sing a song for me...

If you'd only say it...


Lately, im finding it hard to express myself. Everything gets all tangled up, it's pretty messy.,

I dont do what I have to do., I go against my resolves., Im being stubborn to something that i dont even know what.,


oh, I deleted a lot of entries, don't know why.,

Monday was fun though. No plans. No expectations., It turned out fine.,

Although, it deepened a little sadness in me that i can't really grasp.,




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  • are you talking about the monday we spent together?;) what happened to the tag board??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/16/2007 10:34 PM  
  • yes, i was. =)

    i haven't opened this for a long time...

    about the tag board, it seemed to have disappeared... hehe

    By Blogger nahdyne, at 2/19/2007 10:00 PM  

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