Sing a song for me...

hi and bye.. =)


i'm using lj now..

here's my new blog

asymptotes.. quicksands.. what am I talking about?!


ok, so the asymptote thing started as a joke., I had no idea it would be so real.,

from now on i'll be secretly calling him myfcn., kev, your the only one who know what i'm talking about, and i'm praying you already forgot about this blog.,

I know I shouldn't wander too deep, quicksands are everywhere., now, I dont want to be sucked in, do I?

How deep is 'too deep' though? =C

If you'd only say it...


Lately, im finding it hard to express myself. Everything gets all tangled up, it's pretty messy.,

I dont do what I have to do., I go against my resolves., Im being stubborn to something that i dont even know what.,


oh, I deleted a lot of entries, don't know why.,

Monday was fun though. No plans. No expectations., It turned out fine.,

Although, it deepened a little sadness in me that i can't really grasp.,



a different tuesday


today wasn't as fun as i thought it would be, pero ok na rin! ang kukulit ng new cousins ko., my 1 year old cousin likes to drink beer., amazing noh? haha., manang-mana sa tatay!., and of course, natuwa nnman ang mga uncle ko sakin at nakipag-cheers pa sakin., sayang nga walang wine eh.. hehe., paglaki daw ni cj siya na kalaban ko sa inuman., haha., hindi ko pa naman nattry uminom ng more than 3 bottles of beer eh., and never ko ittry yun sa red horse no! ayoko maging biktima ng hiwaga ng pulang kabayo.. haha.,

i got to see xyrine today!!! i missed her smell so much, and i got to 'rape' her before we went home...hahaha.,

i received a handful of chocolate today, so i guess i wouldn't be looking for chocolates for quite a while., unless, of course, if i share it with my parents... =p

i also received two t-shirts, one is too big, and the other is too small(well, not really, it just wasnt the perfect fit)., i hate it when they do that.,

we have coffee crumble in the freezer.. yeshhhhhh...

my angkong gave me an amber, it's twice bigger than my fist, he said it absorbs radiation, so it's sitting beside my monitor now., cool.,

bwiset ka! haha., i keep on thinking about you., so, there i've said it, just because you had the decency to say goodnyt last night., ang babaw no? kahit na you totally forgot about me today., oh, wipe that smile off your face., epal ka., haha

Leave me alone


you missed the last one,

and who's fault was that?

so go shoot yourself,

and dont bother me.

your words are poison,

but you're the antidote.

Mathematics: my curse, er... course


Medicine makes people ill, mathematics make them sad and theology makes them sinful. (Martin Luther)

Mathematics is like checkers in being suitable for the young, not too difficult, amusing, and without peril to the state. (Plato)

Math is like love; a simple idea, but it can get complicated.

A Mathematician and...

The physicist and the engineer are in a hot-air balloon. Soon, they find themselves lost in a canyon somewhere. They yell out for help: "Helllloooooo! Where are we?"
15 minutes later, they hear an echoing voice: "Helllloooooo! You're in a hot-air balloon!!"
The physicist says, "That must have been a mathematician."
The engineer asks, "Why do you say that?"
The physicist replied: "The answer was absolutely correct, and it was utterly useless."


Q: What will a logician choose: a half of an egg or eternal bliss in the afterlife? A: A half of an egg! Because nothing is better than eternal bliss in the afterlife, and a half of an egg is better than nothing.


When a statistician passes the airport security check, they discover a bomb in his bag. He explains. "Statistics shows that the probability of a bomb being on an airplane is 1/1000. However, the chance that there are two bombs at one plane is 1/1000000. So, I am much safer..."


A team of engineers were required to measure the height of a flag pole. They only had a measuring tape, and were getting quite frustrated trying to keep the tape along the pole. It kept falling down, etc. A mathematician comes along, finds out their problem, and proceeds to remove the pole from the ground and measure it easily. When he leaves, one engineer says to the other: "Just like a mathematician! We need to know the height, and he gives us the length!"


A biologist, a physicist and a mathematician were sitting in a street cafe watching the crowd. Across the street they saw a man and a woman entering a building. Ten minutes they reappeared together with a third person.
- They have multiplied, said the biologist.
- Oh no, an error in measurement, the physicist sighed.
- If exactly one person enters the building now, it will be empty again, the mathematician concluded.


Dictionary of Definitions of Terms Commonly Used in Math. lectures.

I don't want to write down all the "in- between" steps.
If I have to show you how to do this, you're in the wrong class.
I hope you weren't sleeping when we discussed this earlier, because I refuse to repeat it.
I shouldn't have to tell you this, but for those of you who erase your memory tapes after every test...
WLOG (Without Loss Of Generality):
I'm not about to do all the possible cases, so I'll do one and let you figure out the rest.
Even you, in your finite wisdom, should be able to prove this without me holding your hand.
This is the boring part of the proof, so you can do it on your own time.
I couldn't verify all the details, so I'll break it down into the parts I couldn't prove.
The hardest of several possible ways to do a proof.
One third less filling (of the page) than your regular proof, but it requires two extra years of course work just to understand the terms.
Requires no previous knowledge of the subject matter and is less than ten lines long.
At least one line of the proof of this case is the same as before.
TFAE (The Following Are Equivalent):
If I say this it means that, and if I say that it means the other thing, and if I say the other thing...
I don't remember how it goes (come to think of it I'm not really sure we did this at all), but if I stated it right (or at all), then the rest of this follows.
I'll leave out everything but the conclusion, you can't question 'em if you can't see 'em.
I'm running out of time, so I'll just write and talk faster.
Trust me, It's true.

Professional secrets.

The highest moments in the life of a mathematician are the first few moments after one has proved the result, but before one finds the mistake.

Golden rule of deriving: never trust any result that was proved after 11 PM.

Relations between pure and applied mathematicians are based on trust and understanding. Namely, pure mathematicians do not trust applied mathematicians, and applied mathematicians do not understand pure mathematicians.

If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
-- Isaac Newton

In the sciences, we are now uniquely privileged to sit side by side with the giants on whose shoulders we stand.
-- Gerald Holton

If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders.
-- Hal Abelson

Mathematicians stand on each other's shoulders.
-- Gauss

Mathematicians stand on each other's shoulders while computer scientists stand on each other's toes.
-- Richard Hamming

It has been said that physicists stand on one another's shoulders. If this is the case, then programmers stand on one another's toes, and software engineers dig each other's graves.
-- Unknown

These days, even the most pure and abstract mathematics is in danger to be applied.


Salary Theorem
The less you know, the more you make.

Postulate 1: Knowledge is Power.
Postulate 2: Time is Money.
As every engineer knows: Power = Work / Time
And since Knowledge = Power and Time = Money
It is therefore true that Knowledge = Work / Money .
Solving for Money, we get:
Money = Work / Knowledge
Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless of the amount of Work done.


Q: how many times can you subtract 7 from 83, and what is left afterwards?
A: I can subtract it as many times as I want, and it leaves 76 every time.


One day, Jesus said to his disciples: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9." St. Thomas looked very confused and asked St. Peter: "What does the teacher mean?" St.Peter replied: "Don't worry - it's just another one of his parabolas."


Q:What is a proof?
A: One-half percent of alcohol.


Q:What is a dilemma?
A: A lemma that proves two results.


Another von Neumann quote : Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things, you just get used to them.


This poem was written by John Saxon (an author of math textbooks).
((12 + 144 + 20 + (3 * 4^(1/2))) / 7) + (5 * 11) = 9^2 + 0

A Dozen, a Gross and a Score,
plus three times the square root of four,
divided by seven,
plus five times eleven,
equals nine squared and not a bit more.




one hour before my math exam:

1. I know six ways of counting from one to infinity (well, up to thousands or billions at least)...
* Filipino
* English
* Spanish
* Chinese
* Italian

2. I should buy a new umbrella. (I want a cute white one (or lavender) or an esprit of whatever color as long as it has that cute case i've always liked.)

3. I want new slippers.

4. Girls are super duper competitive, consciously or unconsciously, to the tiniest bit.

a minute after I got my bluebook:

shacks, ndi ko alam and derivative ng secant inverse.

four minutes after my exam:

alam ko na ang derivative ng secant inverse.

December na!


so busy...



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i dont want to be seen on tv


..'cause i might get discovered.. bwahaha

why me??! thanks for the complement though...har


tindi ng text ni buddy grace, haha..,

Isang araw,
my lalakeng
lumapit s kin

sbi nya:

mis, mis...Gus2 m0
ng payong??

Inuulan k kc

hanep talaga, lupet...

uso pala ngaun ang mga text ng quotation ng nagsasalitang mga kung anu-ano...

"Ayoko na! Bakit kapag
nagmamahal ako nagagalit


"So wat f im feeling 'blue'?
Its not as if u care anyway..
And dont u dare judge me-
I'm not a book!"


"Wala naman akong gnagwa
sa kanya. Ndi na nga ako
gumaglaw dito. Ako na yung
natapakan siya pa ang galit."


"kung walang nagttxt sayo
andito nman ako, itxt mo
lang ako segundo lang
magrreply na ako"

-bal inquiry,222

ang ganda ngsched ko this sem, kaya lang sobrang maddelay ako.,

hanggang 8:30 - 1 lang ang class ko everyday, then sa wednesday 8 - 11:30 lang.,

saya-saya noh?!

ang PE ko scrabble... (meron bang PE3 ng scrabble?? haha)

and kumuha na ako ng foreign lang............(drum roll)..............Italian!
Buona sera! Come sta Lei? hehe..

sa first day ng class prof ko sa italian lang ang sumipot, sa second day dalawa silang sumipot pero siya lang naglec.. sa monday tunay na pasukan na...huhu

kain na daw!!!



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corn and butter...yummy


so what if you dont care anymore if you get caught looking?

so what if you left me standing?

so what if it doesn't make sense?

so what??

the essence of sembreak is lost...cause

#1. - - > i keep worrying about my math109(since theres a lot of reasons why i should)
#2. - - > i havent gone anywhere yet, (its starting to get boring at home...)
#3. - - > my cp's broken
#4. - - > im broke
#5. - - > and a lot more other reasons why., (actually, i cant think of anything else)

after 4 months of waiting for sembreak, im giving it a pretty cold welcome.,

im watching ghostfighter right now.... it feels like it's just a few years ago when me and my brother (and my father too!) were avid fans of this anime.., i just had this feeling... i know most of us, when we turn our tv on an see eugene fightng in the arena would think 'oh, ghost fighter, again?' or 'how many times have i seen this?'., (i have the same sentiments for samurai X too)., okay, i got lost.. so what am i trying to say?.... well what i just really wanted to say is that they have to show these animes(or shows) for the next generation to watch, for my nieces and nephews to watch and be a fan of too.. thats all... haha.., i guess i just felt what our great-/grandfathers feels when they see their grand-/children watching tv shows that they watched when they were children too.., man, i feel old... haha

I'm now a member of the university of the philippines mathematics club, bow.

suddenly you're(some other 'you') being friendly.

so what??



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staying up


asar naman talaga!!!! nagloloko and cellphone ko!! grrr... sa dami ng letra na pwedeng mawala talaga namang abc pa ang nawala.... arrrggh.... ang hirap magtagalog ng walang 'a' noh., nakkfrustrate magtxt, ndi na tuloy ako nakareply kay di.,

and siyempre, bagsak nanaman ako sa exam sa physics kanina., nnooooo... ayoko magremovals..... shacks..

yes...tapos na ang trabaho ng propscom!! nang matapos na ang backdrop ginawa na namin siyang banig...haha.. madaling araw na kame natapos kaya nagovernight na sila...mukha kaming sardinas sa kwarto ko., hehe., be posting the pictures soon.. award wining ang kuha ni recio!! haha.,

at siyempre bago sila umalis nagcards muna kame, 99 tsaka one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king... hehe.,

sleepy na ko, antagal nilang dumating...

'you do something to me that i can't explain... so would i be out of line, if i say i miss you?...'

just one more week to go


yesss!! dalawang exam nalang (expecting na exempted ako sa finals sa Bio)... Finals sa Physics 71 sa sat, tpos math109 sa 19... ang apps' party this coming tuesday na...kailangan ko ng gawin yung...oops...baka may mem na nagbabasa...=)

ang saya saya kasi isang linggo nalang sembreak na!!...four months ko na tong hinihintay!!...though hindi ko pa siya masyado na-ffeel since may exams pa and madami pang inaasikaso... tulad nyan, practice daw para sa app's party bukas, kamusta naman, 7am daw ang call time at sa marikina sports center ang venue..hello?! ndi po lahat sa QC nakatira.., haay...

at dahil finals week na siyempre last meeting na ng mga klase.. and speaking of last meeting, ang saya ng last meeting sa cwts. may kainan, food race(ata) at siyempre pictorial session w/groupmates...

from top, left to right: me, joseph, ad, jhun., romy, gold, pau., thor and marlo.,

malungkot din pala kasi parang may possibility na ire-take ko lahat ng majors ko(hindi lang math64, kundi 109 din at physics)... promise talaga, mag-aaral na ko next sem... (sana hindi ako pasaway at tuparin ko yan)

after ng finals, sana naman wala ng removals.... pleaaassssse!!!!!!!

Last week may nadaanan kaming mga 'angels' sa FC, you have to give something(anything) in exchange for an 'angel'., at dahil wala na akong mahalukay sa wallet ko kundi yung invitation(ata) nung poetry fest last year sa up baguio, yun nalang ang ipinalit ko., paguwi ko sa bahay itinabi ko yung 'angel'- si psi-psi - kay inang laya na putol ang kamay dahil nahulog ko siya sa mesa noon, sorry talaga... sana walang magalit...

inang laya and psi-psi (w/flowers and dogs sa background)

at napagusapan narin ang poetry fest at si inang laya, naalala ko tuloy ang aking poem na hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa din alam kung papaano nanalo ng third prize...

oO, nanalo yan...kung hindi rin kayo makapaniwala na nanalo nga yan ng third prize eh, ako rin eh.,

naaliw lang ako kasi kahit papaano pala may naiwan akong something sa up baguio., wala man ako doon atleast alam nila na i've been there...yessh... andrama.., haha., feeling importante lang naman, kala mo first place ang napanalunan... hehe., Ü

there's a reason to be happy...

you just have to find it...

Ang sarap ng lumpia at suka! =]

Na-curious lang ako, pano kaya nalaman ng tao na pwede palang i-pop ang corn..? sino unang nakaisip na kainin ang itlog na may sisiw na? sinu unang nagluto ng soup #5?(bakit nya kaya naisip lutuin un...??) sino nakaisip na pwede palang kainin ang paa at pwet ng manok? naaaliw lang talaga ko sa lawak ng kakayahan ng taong mag-isip., kapag tumingin-tingin ka lang sa paligid madami ka nang makikitang produkto ng pagkamalikhain ng tao., mga bagay-bagay na masnagpapadali o nagdadagdag kulay sa buhay natin.., wala lang, salamat lang sa kakayahang iyon na ipinagkaloob sa atin., Ü

nakakaasar pala nawala yung sing-sing ko at suklay.... ='C Sabi ni sir JP maghanap nalang daw ako ng bagong boyfriend na magbibigay sakin ng sing-sing., hmm... pwede rin.... hehe! ;p

na-mimiss ko pala sobra ang Baguio.... Lalo na tong dalawang to,

na-mimiss din kaya nila ko (O_o)? kung alam niyo lang, Diana Camacho, John Peter Casio, miss na miss ko na talaga kayo..... *hagulgol*..,

nagpunta pala kame sa main lib kanina, hindi pa pala kasi nakakapasok sila tin at arn2 doon., pinictureran lang namin si oble, madilim kasi brownout, kaya in-edit ko nalang sa photoshop pangit nga lang, compare and contrast nalang, o ayon nga kay sir ceb, wax and wane.,

pinictureran ko din yung sundial sa eng! aun, kita ung time oh(between twelve and one)... galing galing...hehe., click niyo nalang para maskita.,

click nyo para maskita

I survived!!


wee..... tapos na ang FI ko., ang saya2 nman., ang ginawa ko pagkauwi ng bahay? natulog. nakakapagod kasi eh., good luck nalang sa mga co-apps ko na ndi pa tpos sa FI nila, kaya nyo yan!!

aun, siyempre pagmay-good news meron ding bad news,. nagdrop ako ng math64.... enough said.

and tama bang kunan ang dropping slip... hehe

kamusta naman pala yung mga taong nagttext sayo na mag-oopen ng conversation tapos hindi nalang basta magrreply or bigla nalang magpapaalam, tulad nito:

"ibg sbhn,kht wla aq msbe sau,d nman aq nkklimot.ok? gudnyt!"

gudnyt din!

may kailangan pala akong gawin., nakakabitin naman oh... di bale, tutuloy ko nalang to next time., Ü

Make it go away


Its really hard when no one understands you., Harder when they pretend they do.,
It sucks when you cant make them understand you., More so, when they dont want to.,

im getting tired of being nice to people who dont even bother to be nice to me.
im getting tired of being considerate of other people's feelings when they are so inconsiderate of mine.
im getting tired of wanting to make other people happy when i cant even make myself happy.

why do i have to be so nice?! darn