Sing a song for me...

Literally neat papers...not one answer...


Scribbling this while Kylie is answering her exam...

There are three friends namely Hugh Ignorant, Sammy Practical and Chris Weird (Names have been changed). They're in the middle of a guy-talk (uh-huh, there exist such thing), lying down the grass, watching the stars, drinking, talking,...

Hugh Ignorant: Hey guys, I have a question for you... Why is the water wet?
Sammy Practical: 'Coz it's water dude, it's supposed to be wet. It's wet so that the fish and other ocean, lake and river creatures can move through it with fluent ease. We need to be able to drink. We need for boats not to sink. We need for our plumbing to work. It ain't water if it ain't wet.
Chris Weird: It can't be answered with regular science methodology, but can be answered in Zen Physics. Water is wet because this is the nature of water. The nature of rock is to be hard. The nature of grass is to be green. The nature of water is to be wet. To take away from its true nature is to destroy what is and thus water is not water anymore. It may be ice, but it surely is not water. Water begets wetness. Wetness begets slipperiness. Slipperiness begets falling. Falling begets a long and painful hospital stay... (Who we talking about?)

...silence, drinking, burping, drinking, talking,...

Hugh Ignorant: Okay, here's another one. Why is the sky blue?
Chris Weird: That's easy. Transmitted light that comes from the sun, light bulb or fire, is made up of a spectrum of colors. The longest wavelengths of light are on the red end of the spectrum and the shortest wavelengths are on the blue or violet end of the spectrum.
So when sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet or blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue.
Sammy Practical: (Laughs) You're wrong Chris. (Turns to Hugh) Want to know why the sky is blue?
Hugh Ignorant: Why?
Sammy Practical: It's for me! I want it to be blue, so it's blue. You know why the fire is hot? It's all for me. I want it to be hot, so it is. You know why we have...... (Sassy girl?!)

...silence, drinking, burping, drinking, and some more drinking...

* * *

*horror scream* Haha.. ok, that was crap. Got a problem with that?!! *evil laugh*

--> Why is...


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